Shafqat Dad’s Blog
How the UK Hospitality Industry is Bouncing Back
The last year has been rough, but industries are beginning to bounce back as COVID-19 restrictions ease. The United Kingdom hospitality industry will bounce back because of these four reasons. Demand People are tired of staying at home. They are tired of...
How to Improve Guest Experience
At the heart of every hotel or bed and breakfast lies the guests who visit these facilities. If the guests are not happy and do not have a good experience, then the business cannot expect to have success. Fortunately, however, improving upon a guest's experience is...
Hotel Marketing Trends in the UK For 2021
With all that happened in 2020, it’s no surprise that many industries—including the hotel industry—suffered through challenges. Vaccinations being released and offered to the public have brought optimism to 2021, however, providing hope to hoteliers and investors for...
Home Selling Ideas for Soon-to-Be Retirees
Real estate prices have continued to peak throughout the pandemic, prompting some soon-to-be retirees to ponder selling their homes and renting for a couple of years before settling into their final dream destination. While an attractive offer during the current...
How Blogging Can Help Your Hotel Marketing Efforts
If you own a hotel, then you should seriously consider blogging as an additional component of your overall marketing strategy. Not only does blogging help make you a thought leader in the industry, but it will also attract attention to your brand. Why Blogging Can...
It’s Time For Hotels to Modernize Their Options
Technology dominates in almost all parts of our lives. It is ideal for making our lives easier, convenient, and more efficient. It has significantly advanced to a point where it needs to keep its guests and workers safe in hotels. The article gives an insight into why...
How New Apps Are Helping Travelers Make Good Decisions During Covid-19
Even in normal times, traveling requires a bit of planning and more than a little thinking about logistics. In the pandemic era, there’s even more to worry about than ever before. Nowadays, travelers need to investigate testing requirements, plan for potential...
How Are Robots Becoming More Integrated Into the Hospitality Industry?
Robots have always been a source of fascination for people. Yet, they have been more like toys than actual servants or a regular part of daily life. The only exceptions are the robotic arms in automated factories, but one does not necessarily count them as full...
Why Listening to the Customer Will Reinvigorate the Hospitality Industry
The current predicament surrounding COVID-19 has been hard for just about every industry. The hospitality industry is certainly no exception. With travel bans on most regions and locations, hotels and inns have been forced to seriously re-examine their operating...
Unconventional Ways the Hotel Industry Could Bounce Back After COVID-19
COVID-19 has recently snuffed out the fun in day-to-day life. The pandemic has hit hotels hard due to social distancing and stay-at-home policies. The hospitality industry primarily relied on visitors staying overnight. With the effect of COVID-19 on traveling, US...