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If you own a hotel, then you should seriously consider blogging as an additional component of your overall marketing strategy. Not only does blogging help make you a thought leader in the industry, but it will also attract attention to your brand.

Why Blogging Can Help Your Hotel

In the past, marketing focused primarily on advertising. The initial concept was simple: By telling consumers what your product is and why it’s the best, you’ll make them interested in purchasing the product. Eventually, this tactic was modified to consider the emotional and psychological appeal of certain services, products, and brands. Nowadays, the internet has revolutionized the business world and made “content marketing” the new norm.

Content marketing focuses less on pitching products and more on creating online content that proves valuable to users. This content will enhance a business’s reputation and build trust in the brand.

Blogging is a great example of content marketing. Not only is it effective, but it’s also relatively easy. With just a few posts a week, you can share ideas about traveling and visiting your area that will boost your website’s placement on search engine results pages. This will lead people to consider your hotel before they’ve even started to search for a place to stay.

Unique Blog Post Ideas

In general, your blog should focus on answering whatever questions you think potential guests might have. Your content could address anything from top local restaurants to the typical summer weather. The common thread tying it all together should be the relevance to your potential customers.

While normal, written posts will make up the bulk of your blog material, you should try to mix it up with occasional one-off posts containing unique content. Video blogs focusing on local attractions might take a lot of work to create, but they’ll prove popular with people on the web. You could also post the videos on Youtube, which will attract viewers to your blog and, one day, to your hotel.

You could also do some in-depth investigating to compile statistics related to tourism in your area. Figures relating to the expected crowds during certain times of year, for example, are much-appreciated by consumers.